What’s up with this? A Pre-sale Sale?

Nazmi is not the only one doing this. Just trawl through the newspaper and you’ll see other establishments are also doing it.

It was my first day at work today, after being away for the last fortnight. As expected, more than 200 emails were received, tho 20% of them were probably forwarded or junk emails. I have always had this problem opening my emails at work. Sometimes, it would take a minute or more to get an email opened. So imagine having to open 200+ emails. The snail mail was not too bad either.

Thankfully, I opened and sorted all my emails today. From tomorrow onwards, I hope to be able to finish off things that need to be finished.
How great it is to be back………. 😦
What is it with the Royal birthday and thai longans? Every year perhaps thousand of boxes of them are sold, not by one seller, but by almost every other seller in town. And have you ever checked their price? They are sold at BND3 per kg or BND5 per 2 kg, by every vendor! Do they sign an agreement not to sell at different price?

And a tip, they are much cheaper in Bandar than they are in KB. And just don’t eat too much of them, or else you will end up having a bad sore throat.

These birthday greetings go to a niece and a nephew who share their birthdays today…..

Firstly, to Mona on her 18th birthday.
Then, to Yuyan on his 11th birthday today.
Happy Birthday to the both of you. Moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.

This is a test page.

I have been thinking of moving my blog to an easier-to-remember url. My current blog address is quite difficult to remember, with the two dashes within the url.

So bear with me while I figure out how to move my ol blog to this.

For the duration of our stay in Manchester, Jester rented a car, so that it would be easy for us to get around. It also let us to stay somewhere not too near the city centre, or else the hotel rate would be more. With a car, it also enabled us to go anywhere at anytime we want. We would not have to wait for taxi or get on a bus to go places.
We had a Toyota Prius for our use while in the UK. It was a hybrid car; it ran on petrol engine and electric motor. During normal city driving, it would run on the electric motor and switched to the petrol engine while driving on the highway. When we got the car on our arrival in Manchester, the tank was just slightly less than half full (or is it half empty?). We filled the tank on that very first day. During the week we were there, we used the car everyday to get to the city centre, a return day trip to Cheshire Oak, which was about 30 miles from Manchester, and a day trip to Leeds, which was about 50-60 miles away from Manchester. Amazingly, after all those trip, the fuel tank indicator returned to almost the same point when we got the car. As a courtesy, we also added about 5 litres of petrol just before we returned it.

The display showed which, either the petrol engine or the electric motor, was being used. Above, it showed the petrol engine was being used. The yellow arrow indicated that the battery for the motor was being re-charged.
To get around, Jester borrowed this TomTom Navigation System (or as said by this person we met in Manchester, GP…. GP….). Perhaps, the road system in Brunei is not that terribly complicated, but it may be fun to be told to go left or right on the next junction.

The TomTom Navigation system. Just don’t leave this on the windscreen when you park to go the shops or at home; otherwise you will not see it ever again.
We were impressed with this car. It saved us a lot on the costly fuel, which amounted to almost GBP1 (or about BND2.40) per litre. It may not be the fastest car, but it was economical, safe and environmentally0-friendly as well.
I heard that NBT Brunei might start selling this car in Brunei in the second half of this year. If your driving is mainly in the city, perhaps it may be a good idea to get this car. And a new model is available soon too. We also saw this adert that a hydbrid-version of the Lexus RX400 is available too.

This trip to UK has been a trip down the memory lane, both for me and Jester.

It was wonderful to get re-acquinted with the familiar names in retail therapy that I came to know and love during my studies here almost ten years ago. Some of the retailers have gone bigger, some have gone smaller, and some have gone bust. It was nice to be able to shop at Topman, H&M, JJB Sports, WH Smith, Marks & Spencer, Asda and Gap, to name a few. I also miss shopping at Woolsworth which gone bankrupt last year. It was also good to have all those foods which were our staples many years ago. Spicy chicken wings, bbq ribs and kebabs brought back memories of yesteryears.
It was also a trip down the memory lane for Jester. On the first day in Manchester, he showed me around the campus, his apartment, his gym, his Asda and his computer cluster (which I would probably call Computer Room!). We also went to Leeds, where he graduated from eleven years ago. I have never seen him getting excited, animated and emotional all at once. He showed me the city centre, including Morrisons which he frequented, the campus of Leeds University, his old houses and this park where he had an unfortunate incident. I swear I could see him trying to dry those tears!
This trip to UK has been a relaxing and memory-evoking trip for us. The length of the trip is just right. The timing was right too; it was in the height of summer, though it rained a lot!

Happy Birthday to my sister, Fina, on her birthday today.

Moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.
P.s. bah esok public holiday to celebrate your birthday!

It’s July and it is supposed to be the height of summer, but the weather did not seem to show it. The past few days have been chilly. The sun might be out, but the wind made it chilly. And yesterday, it rained and it reminded me of my days in Galway.

Hopefully the weather over the weekend improves. There is a promise of sunshine, but knowing UK, it would probably be sunny for a few minutes before the rain takes over.

The past few days was spent doing some retail therapy. And yesterday, I attended Jester’s graduation ceremony. He spent a year off from work to do his Masters in Refinery Design and Operation. Congratulations Jester!

to the kids at home who are celebrating their irthdays today……

Firstly, to Afifah, who celebrates her second birthday today…..
And secondly, to Akush, who celebrates his first irthday today…..
Happy Birthday! And enjoy the party tomorrow…..!