Hey peeps!

Miss me yet? Give yourselves a few more days and you’ll be begging to EdJ to ask me to come back!

First thing first. Driving for 4 hours home to hotel was not part of the plan yesterday. But it happened. Follow the relative speed seemed to be 90kmph. I think I can cut down the journey by an hour. There were some places where overtaking and faster driving might be possible. But some places just cannot allow any. There was a stretch of roads with bumps and watch out for heavy vehicles.

Hotel is not too bad. Quite happy with the hotel. Free wi-fi in rooms too! First evening’s dinner was room service. RM18 Kampung Fried Rice anyone? The hotel is by the sea, too bad there is no beach to lie around on.

Hotel to LGNM takes 10 mins of driving. First impression of LGNM: very nice buildings. They’ve got some nice new buildings. The first thing that one might see as one approaches the place is this “corporate” feeling, if you know what i mean. Heard they only moved into the new buildings in the past year. The alb is also new, but I think it’s just a tad too big. I have not got any pc access yet. Was taken out for lunch, apparently the food at their canteen is much worse than ‘home’ canteen that many people opt to eat out. I saw there was only a handful of people eating there during lunch. The management even stopped giving away free coupons to employees so that the staff are not obliged to spend the coupons there and giving excuse the canteen operator to continue. Apparent–ly the canteen operator used the excuse that people still spent their coupons there, so they must have been good. Do you think H K have the balls to do that back home?

Back to the hotel. The hotel has swimming pool and gym. Think I’m gonna start using them. I may chart my progress through this site! By the way, the K Club membership fee is RM25! Not bad!

Went around Town Centre…. looks like nothing will make me want to stay the weekends here. So Prez, might see you for breakfast this Saturday! Oh, there’ll be a new large shopping mall opening here soon. So come and visit me here!!

Anyway, happy belated birthday to OL. So did you “insert hand gestures here”? Ha!

Watch out for more updates.

Posted by the Bulgemeister.